
This page lists events and conferences on Thomas Hobbes organised by the European Hobbes Society and others.

If you would like to publicise an event on this page please contact the Membership Officer.

Event Information:

  • Fri

    Mini Hobbes workshop

    Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Belgium

    Laurens van Apeldoorn (Leiden), ‘Hobbes on sovereignty and dominion’

    Matthew Hoye (Maastricht), ‘Natural Justice and Extraordinary Sovereign Virtuosity in Hobbes’s Leviathan

    Alissa MacMillan (Antwerp), ‘Trusting Others: Hobbes on Authority, Faith, and Religion’

    Thomas O’Neill (Durham), ‘Hobbes on Truth: Morality versus Geometry’

    Eric Ritter (Vanderbilt / Freie Universität Berlin), ‘State of Nature, Mind, and Matter: Hobbes on Citizenship’

    Johan Olsthoorn (Leuven), ‘Personation without representation: Hobbes’s arguments for the identity of church and state’