This page lists events and conferences on Thomas Hobbes organised by the European Hobbes Society and others.
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Event Information:
Fri17Jun2016Queen Mary University of London
Manuscripts workshop
The workshop focuses on two manuscripts: Hobbes and the Two Dimensions of Normativity by Arash Abizadeh (McGill), and ‘Hobbes on the Right to Punish’ by Signy Gutnick Allen (QMUL).
Session 1: ‘Reasons and Reasoning’: Chapters 2/3/4 of Two Dimensions. Respondent: Adrian Blau (KCL)
Session 2: ‘The Good and Obligations’: Chapters 5/6 of Two Dimensions. Respondent: Robin Douglass (KCL)
Session 3: ‘Morality and Personhood’: Chapters 7/8 of Two Dimensions. Respondent: Signy Gutnick Allen (QMUL)
Session 4: Broad discussion of Normativity project as a whole.
Session 5: ‘Hobbes and the Right to Punish in Leviathan’. Respondent: Paul Sagar (Cambridge)
Date: Friday 17 June 2016, 1-6pm
Location: Rm 2.17, Arts 2, Queen Mary University of London. Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS
For further details and to confirm participation please email Signy Gutnick Allen,