This page lists events and conferences on Thomas Hobbes organised by the European Hobbes Society and others.
If you would like to publicise an event on this page please contact the Membership Officer.
Event Information:
Fri22Jul201610.30-12.30University of Sydney
Hume Society Conference Panel Session: “Habit and Self-Formation: Hobbes and Malebranche as Influences on Hume"
On July 19-23, 2016, the Hume Society Conference takes place ath the University of Sydney, with on Friday 22 July a panel Session on “Habit and Self-Formation: Hobbes and Malebranche as Influences on Hume” with Deborah Brown (Queensland) and Julie Walsh (Wellesley C.); comment: Lisa Shapiro (Simon Fraser) (Lecture Theatre 208). For more information consult the conference website.