
This page lists events and conferences on Thomas Hobbes organised by the European Hobbes Society and others.

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Event Information:

  • Mon

    The concepts of War and Peace in Thomas Hobbes’s Political Philosophy

    University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

    A lecture series on 'War and Peace in Hobbes's Political Philosophy' will take place at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Kollegienhaus KH. 2.012, Universitätsstraße 15, 91054 Erlangen.

    All lectures are on Mondays, 18:15-19:45:

    07/11/2016: Wolfram Ridder, MA (Erlangen)/ Dr Alexander Niedermeier (Erlangen) – 'Thucydides and Hobbes as fathers of the Realistic School? Recent Developments in the Theory of International Relations'

    14/11/2016: Dr Johan Olsthoorn (Leuven) – 'Hobbes’s place in the just war tradition'

    28/11/2016: Professor Patricia Springborg (Berlin) – 'Hobbes on War and Peace and the Security Dilemma'

    12/12/2016: PhD candidate Samuel Garret Zeitlin (Cambridge/Berkeley) – 'Bacon, Hobbes, and the Problem of Religious Warfare'

    09/01/2017: Dr Peter Schröder (UCL) – 'The blameless liberty of sovereign states: Hobbes’s political thought on interstate relations'

    16/01/2017: Dr Dirk Brantl (Graz) – 'Erziehung zum Frieden. Politische Stabilität und politische Erziehung bei Hobbes'

    23/01/2017: Dr Eva Odzuck (Erlangen) – 'Prince of peace? Psychological conditions of war and peace in Hobbes’s Political Philosophy'

    30/01/2017: Professor Kinch Hoekstra (Berkeley) – 'War and Peace in Hobbes’s Thucydides'

    Attendance is free but registration is recommended. You are welcome to attend only some of the lectures.  If you would like to join us for dinner after a lecture, please let us know, so that we can adjust our reservations. For any further questions please contact