
This page lists events and conferences on Thomas Hobbes organised by the European Hobbes Society and others.

If you would like to publicise an event on this page please contact the Membership Officer.

Event Information:

  • Wed

    Leibniz and Hobbes: A Complex Relationship. Inspiration, Opposition, Incorporation

    Università di Milano, Crociera Alta di Giurisprudenza via Festa del Perdono, 7

    18 October
    10. 00 - Introduction
    Section I – Theology, Reason and Language
    10. 30 – 11.30 Gianni Paganini (Piemonte Orientale)
    Thomas Hobbes on possible worlds and theodicy
    11.30– 12.30 Gonzalo Bustamante Kuschel (Universida Adlofo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile)
    Rhetoric, language and critical rationality in Hobbes

    Section II - Mathematics and the Royal Society
    14. 00 – 15.00 Douglas Jesseph (Florida)
    Hobbes and Leibniz on Indivisibles
    15. 00 - 16. 00 - Francesco Piro (Salerno)
    Hobbius Repuerascens. Leibniz on Hobbes' anti-Wallis late works
    16. 15 – 17. 15 Mattia Brancato (Milano)
    The Whole and the Part: Hobbes and Leibniz on Elements’ Common Notion 5
    17.15 - 18. 15 Philip Beeley (Oxford)
    Leibniz, Hobbes and the Royal Society

    19 October
    Section III - Physics
    9. 30 - 10. 30 – Federico Silvestri (Milano)
    The Early Leibniz and Mechanicism: The case of Optics
    10. 30 – 11. 30 Gianfranco Mormino (Milano)
    Hobbes’s Conatus and Aristotle’s Continuum: Two Sources of Leibniz’ Early Physics

    Section IV – Politics
    11. 30 – 12.30 Luca Basso (Padova)
    Leibniz and Hobbes on Natural Right

    Section V – Logic and Ontology
    14. 00 – 15. 00 Marine Picon (ENS Lyon)
    “Principia prima vera esse facimus”: Leibniz et la difficulté hobbesienne
    15. 00 – 16. 00 Osvaldo Ottaviani (SNS Pisa)
    Conditional Propositions and Exitential Import: Hobbes and the Young Leibniz
    16. 00 – 17.00 - Stefano Di Bella (Milano)
    Predication and Ontological Economy in Leibniz and Hobbes
    17. 00– 17. 30 - Conclusions