This page lists events and conferences on Thomas Hobbes organised by the European Hobbes Society and others.
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Event Information:
Sat09Jun2018The Old Bell Hotel, Malmesbury
Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Society Annual Symposium
Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Society Annual Symposium, on 'Hobbes and Sovereignty'
10.00 Opening, Introduction
10.10 Professor Sir Noel Malcolm: Hobbes and the Thirty Years’ War’
11.10 Break
11.30 Dr. Signy Gutnick-Allen: Hobbes on Sovereignty and the Risks of International Law
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Professor Tom Sorell: The Strains of Sovereignty
15.00 Break
15.20 Professor Jonathan Rée: Beating Back Ghosts
16.20 Concluding Remarks
16.30 EndDr. Signy Gutnick-Allen, Fellow in Political Theory, London School of Economics
Sir Noel Malcolm, Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College, the University of Oxford
Jonathan Rée, Freelance Historian and Philosopher
Professor Tom Sorell, Professor of Politics and Philosophy, University of WarwickTo register for the Symposium, go to Tickets are also available from The Workbox, Malmesbury. For more information: