Getting involved in the EHS
Following the success of our first biennial conference (more on this to follow), we thought now would be a good time to remind members that there are many ways you can get involved and we’re always open to new suggestions. We would especially welcome members writing discussion pieces for the website. These could be on anything Hobbes related – including your own research – that might be of interest to other members.
If you would like to organise a workshop under the aegis of the Society then please get in touch and we can circulate details to all members. We can also place details of any Hobbes-related events (irrespective of whether they are associated with the Society) on the Events page of the website.
We are aiming to post links to all new Hobbes publications, so if there is anything you’ve published in the last 6 months, or anything you notice that has slipped under our radar, then please let us know.
If any of this tempts you then please contact us.