Call for papers for a special issue of Hobbes Studies
Hobbes Studies invites submission for a Special Issue on German Hobbes Scholarship which will be published in the spring of 2019. The guest editors for the Special Issue will be Dirk Brantl and Daniel Eggers.
Submissions may approach the topic from a variety of perspectives and may include, for example:
• papers from current German philosophers, historians etc. working on Hobbes
• papers critically engaging with past or present German Hobbes scholarship
• papers examining how Hobbes’s philosophy was received and discussed by major figures in the history of German philosophy such as Leibniz, Pufendorf, Kant or Hegel
Please do not submit literature reviews about recent German Hobbes scholarship since such a review will be provided by the guest editors by way of an introduction.
The submissions will initially be reviewed by the two guest editors. Selected papers will then be sent out to external reviewers, and the final decisions will be made on the basis of their reports.
Submissions should be no longer than 8,000 words (incl. notes and bibliography) and should be with the editors by 31th of December 2017.
If you would like to submit a paper, please send an anonymized pdf version of the paper along with a brief abstract to Please do not use Hobbes Studies’ Editorial Manager for submitting your paper.
If you have any further questions, please contact the guest editors at the following address