Programme of the Third Biennial EHS Conference (Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik 18-20th November 2021)


Wednesday 17th November 2021

19:00 Dinner – Inter-University Centre building Dubrovnik

Thursday 18th November 2021 

10:00-10:10 Opening talk by the organisers 

Session 1: 

10:10-11:10 S. A. Lloyd: Philosophical Support for Sommerville on Hobbes and Independency (University of Southern California)

11:20-12:20 Gianni Paganini: When Nothing Counts. The Annihilation Hypothesis in Hobbes’ Work (University of Piedmont and Research Center of the Accademia dei Lincei Rome)

12:20-13:30 Lunch, served in the Inter-University Centre building

13:30-15:00 City tour 

Session 2: 

15:30-16:30 George Wright: On Translating the Latin Leviathan (University of Wisconsin Madison)

16:40-17:40 Francesca Rebasti (coauthor Serge Heiden, IHRIM, ENS de Lyon): “Thomas       Hobbes and the Bible”: A Textometric Approach to H. W. Jones’s Agenda (IGB,     INSA Lyon – IHRIM, ENS de Lyon)

19:00 Conference dinner, served at the Inter-University Centre building

Friday 19th November 

Session 4: 

10:00-11:00 Luc Foisneau: Against Philosophical Darkness: A Political conception of Enlightenment (EHESS Paris)

11:10-12:10 Luka Ribarević: Natural Condition of Mankind in Leviathan: A View from Peloponnesus (University of Zagreb)

12:15-13:30 Lunch, served in the Inter-University Centre building

Session 5: 

13:35-14:35 Gonzalo Bustamante: Hobbes and the Possibility of a Zoopolis (Adolfo   Ibáñez University Santiago de Chile)

14:45-15:45 Asaf Sokolowski: The ‘Tohu-Bohu’ Fool and His Defiance of Creation

15:45-16:15 Coffee break

Session 6: 

16:15-17:15 Johan Olsthoorn: Hobbes on Injustice and Injury (University of    Amsterdam)

17:25-18:25 Adrian Blau: Hobbes’s Failed Political Science (King’s College London)

19:30 Informal dinner; venue TBA 

Saturday 20th November 

Session 7: 

9:30-10:30 Kajetan Kubala: Hobbes and the persona perpetua of the State (Queen Mary, University of London)

10:40-11:40 Marko Simendić: The True Gods of Leviathan (University of Belgrade)

11:45-12:30 General meeting of the European Hobbes Society

12:30 Concluding lunch served in the Inter-University Centre building