New collection of essays: A Companion to Hobbes
- Marcus P. Adams: Introduction: The Presentation and Structure of Thomas Hobbes’s Philosophy p. 1
- Helen Hattab: Chapter 1: Hobbes’s Unified Method for Scientia p. 23
- Geoffrey Gorham: Chapter 2: The Stoic Roots of Hobbes’s Natural Philosophy and First Philosophy p. 45
- Douglas Jesseph: Chapter 3: Hobbesian Mathematics and the Dispute with Wallis p. 57
- Marcus P. Adams: Chapter 4: Explanations in Hobbes’s Optics and Natural Philosophy p. 75
- R.W. McIntyre: Chapter 5: “A Most Useful Economy” Hobbes on Linguistic Meaning and Understanding p. 91
- Arash Abizadeh: Chapter 6: Hobbes’s Theory of the Good: Felicity by Anticipatory Pleasure p. 109
- Gabriella Slomp: Chapter 7: In Search of “A Constant Civill Amity” Hobbes on Friendship and Sociability p. 125
- Sandra Leonie Field: Chapter 8: Hobbes on Power and Gender Relations p. 139
- S.A. Lloyd: Chapter 9: The State of Nature as a Continuum Concept p. 156
- Michael J. Green: Chapter 10: Hobbes’s Minimalist Moral Theory p. 171
- Mónica Brito Vieira: Chapter 11: Hobbesian Persons and Representation p. 185
- Rosamond Rhodes: Chapter 12: Hobbes’s Account of Authorizing a Sovereign p. 203
- Eleanor Curran: Chapter 13: The Strength and Significance of Subjects’ Rights in Leviathan p. 221
- Tom Sorell: Chapter 14: Hobbes on Sovereignty and Its Strains p. 236
- Johan Olsthoorn: Chapter 15: Hobbes on International Ethics p. 252
- Luc Foisneau: Chapter 16: Against Philosophical Darkness: A Political Conception of Enlightenment p. 269
- Michael Byron: Chapter 17: Hobbes on Submission to God p. 287
- Jeffrey Collins: Chapter 18: Thomas Hobbes and the Christian Commonwealth p. 303
- Johann Sommerville: Chapter 19: Hobbes and Toleration p. 318
- Franck Lessay: Chapter 20: Hobbes, Rome’s Enemy p. 332
- Patricia Springborg: Chapter 21: Hobbes and the Papal Monarchy p. 348
- Edward Slowik: Chapter 22: Body and Space in Hobbes and Descartes p. 365
- John Henry: Chapter 23: Hobbes’s Mechanical Philosophy and Its English Critics p. 381
- Stewart Duncan: Chapter 24: Cudworth as a Critic of Hobbes p. 398
- Marcy P. Lascano: Chapter 25: Cavendish and Hobbes on Causation p. 413
- Justin Steinberg: Chapter 26: Striving, Happiness, and the Good: Spinoza as Follower and Critic of Hobbes p. 431
- Jacqueline Broad: Chapter 27: Hobbes and Astell on War and Peace p. 448
- Alexandra Chadwick: Chapter 28: Hobbes and Hume on Human Nature: “Much of a Dispute of Words?” p. 463
- Howard Williams: Chapter 29: He Shows “Genius” and Is “More Useful than Pufendorf” Kant’s Reception of Hobbes p. 478
- Karen Green: Chapter 30: Catharine Macaulay and the Reception of Hobbes During the Eighteenth Century p. 492